Thrown World Series?

I've probably told this story before I started rooting for the White Sox by accident. I literally picked them out of a newspaper without any idea of who they were or what they represented. I knew they were a Chicago team (which I have a small birth tie to), that they weren't the Cubs (who my brother cheered for) and they played against the Twins (because I'm a little contrarian at heart). Started following their scores in the paper and eventually got to see them on NBC's Game of the Week some Saturday. That was the first time I saw their logos or colors or stadium. Obviously I fell in love.
Sometime the next year few years I saw 'Field of Dreams' and found out that my team had thrown a World Series. It hurt. Even though it happened some 70 years earlier, I felt bad that my team had ever done something so disgraceful.
(For those of you non-sports fans still reading this post, that is a real live honest peek into a sports fan's mind. Laugh at us if you will but please, try to be understanding.)
I mention this because word has now come out that the White Sox might not have been the first team to throw a World Series. In fact, they might have gotten the idea from the Cubs of 1918.
Now, it cannot be said for certain that gamblers got to the '18 Cubs. But Eddie Cicotte, pitcher and one of the eight White Sox outcasts from the '19 World Series, did say in a newly found affidavit he gave to the 1920 Cook County grand jury that the Cubs influenced the Black Sox.
My advice to Cubs fans? Deny it. Fight against it. Don't let people ever believe that it actually happened. Your heritage is at stake! Don't roll over and be slandered. Show some strength and keep your pride intact.
Ninety years is a long time, but trust me, it's not long enough.


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