Would a Stake to the Heart Help?

Favre: If Pack needed me, 'it would be tempting'

Seriously, is he now the least decisive person in the country? Just go away already! Take a cruise and get away from the phone. Alternately, would someone offer him an analyst job somewhere so he can waffle over whether or not he wants to come in to work there and leave the rest of us alone. Hamlet had less trouble making up his mind!


MamaD4 said…
Peder, have a heart. His inability to make decisions may be a result of his mental retardation. We have to make exceptions for people like Brett Favre.

I'm surprised Hans hasn't heard about this yet...if he has, he's keeping the hair-tearing and teeth-gnashing to a minimum.
Peder said…
Tell him not to tear any hair out. The risk factor is just too high.
Test said…
we were just talking about this at work. enough already!!
Alfred T. Mahan said…
Enter FAVRE stage right. Manent MCCARTHY, THOMPSON & RUBE MECHANICALS hidden

FAVRE: To play, or not to play--that is the question:
Whether 'tis smarter in what's left of my brain to suffer
The plaudits and applause of all of Wisconsin,
Or to take up the ball in another uniform,
And by opposing end them.
Peder said…
Very nice, Andrew.

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