Hither and Yon (Minnesota Edition)

Today we went a traveling. We got in the car and drove on down to Austin. There we enjoyed some Godfathers action buffet style. Relia was a huge hit with everyone she met. I know, surprise. We capped the visit with a trip to Target where her grandfather bought her a half dozen new pacifiers.
The FP Gal read the label and it suggests that each one should only be used for three months. I can't help but think that that's nonsense. Use them until they disappear. The FP Gal noted that it's kind of a race to see if you can keep one for more than three months anyway. She now has a theory that they simply disappear once the warranty expires.
After Austin we were off to Rochester to see my aunt and uncle. It was very nice to see them. Uncle Jerry made steaks, Aunt Janet made potatoes and Relia made noise. Lots of it as her fussy factor is turned up high.
That's not really her fault. She's fighting a cold right now with heavy coughing. This means she wakes herself up constantly. The last couple of nights featured very few good hours of sleep. For her, I mean, but functionally for either the FP Gal or myself too.
So back in the car where Relia treated us to two full hours of crying and wailing. About half way home I moved to the backseat so I could try and keep a pacifier in her at all times. It didn't help. In fact, nothing I tried worked. So there was just wailing and wailing and wailing.
Until we almost got home. She finally collapsed during the last five minutes and fell deeply asleep. At that same exact moment, the FP Gal came down with something. She fought the last bit of travel while trying to keep from getting sick in the car. There was some drama as some jerk in a van decided that it was good to drive 40MPH in a 55 zone. If the FP Gal was armed, they wouldn't have made it to their destination. (Hours later and they still might not have. Honestly, try and drive somewhere close to the speed limit people. It's not that tough. The other cars were doing it without any problem.) We got home and she jammed the car in a spot and ran for the house. Not good times.
Relia? She's sleeping right now but I don't have any confidence that it will last. She's just bidding her time. Sooner or later one of those coughs will be too hard for her to ignore it. The pacifier will fly too far for her to reach. And then it begins again...


MamaD4 said…
I did a doubletake because I thought the title said "Hitler and Yon (Minnesota Edition)". Just look at it ou of the corner of your eye. I was intrigued by what Hitler had to do with Minnesota...sometimes it takes me a minute.

Anyway, hang in there. Sick babies are no fun, I know. Annika was sick all last week and Josiah has this cough that only occurs at 2:47 a.m. every night. It's so pleasant.

Tell Sarah to bring her own food to Austin. Unless it's from Aunt Donna's house or you're a native with a resistance, there's something about the food...I too have developed mysterious ailments after eating in Austin.
Peder said…
Bring her own food? I don't think it had anything to do with Austin food. Frankly, the spamloaf was very good.
Kate said…
The screaming in the car is one of life's worst trials. I swear it. You seem to have managed wonderfully, no matter how awful you felt. Hang in there, oh healthy one!

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