St Anthony Main

The FP Gal and I went walking at the MOA this morning. No big surprise there, as we do that most Sunday mornings. I think she felt a little guilty that we never walk outdoors with her but the calendar has really made that difficult for us. As soon as it's warm out we'll fix that. We go walking in our neighborhood most nice evenings in the summer.
Tonight I mentioned that in a couple of weeks we'll be able to go walking down at St Anthony Main. That was one of the places that I fell in love with when I first moved up to the Cities thirteen years ago. Thirteen years! That doesn't seem possible, it really doesn't. The math says it is; I moved up here in May of '95. I've lived somewhere in the Cities for all but thirteen months since then (roughly the calendar year of '97).
The picture there is from October of '03. I've got a very strong memory of walking down to the bridge during the first heavy snowfall of '95. There were huge flakes drifting down from the dark heavy sky and into the turbulent waters Some year I'll make it down there again and take some pictures during the same type of snowfall. Until then it will live only in my brain, I guess.


Kate said…
Great memories which you can share with your daughter and then make more of them!
Hans said…
Rachel and I had our engagement pictures shot here. I, too, have a lot of memories there... It was on my running path when I was in college.

There used to be a gallery downtown that had pictures of the area. They had a print of the Stone Arch Bridge that I absolutely loved, but didn't buy. Now I can't find it or the gallery. Oh well... I'd love to frame it and put it in our house.
Chris said…
The Stone Arch bridge is my favorite place in Minneapolis. I saw my first barge of the year while walking on Monday. Spring is here!

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