Winter(?) Storm

Woke up this morning with a dusting of snow on the roofs and cars. We were the luck ones as some spots in Minnesota got more than 10 inches of snow. Today is April 26th in case you forgot. I-94 was closed in some spots because of the snow. The snow wasn't all that was going on, today was extremely cold. According to the news we were about 25 degrees colder than usual. Add in some very strong winds and it was pretty ugly.
This was a pretty cold winter. Also longer than usual. And it doesn't seem to want to leave.

Wonder what the weather was like in Kauai today?


MommyLisa said…
I have friends that were recalling their wedding six years ago this weekend. We have about 6 inches that began to fall as everyone arrived at the church for their wedding!!!
Kate said…
I'd give you pity, but if you saw my post for Friday? Yeah, same boat, different day. I was actually crying at some point.

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