The Scarlet Letter - Hawthorne

This is the second one of the Great Novel list that I've given up on. I gave it a good hundred pages but that's all. I know it's highly regarded but I'm not going to waste any more time untying sentences that average eight clauses. Life is too short.
Maybe someday I'll rent the movie and watch the Demi Moore trio.


DD4 said…
Several years ago I watched this movie and remember liking it very much.
Meigan said…
Hawthorne is so sloooooooow. I don't blame ya.
Alfred T. Mahan said…
Ugh. I would estimate, and this is coming from an enthusiast for 19th Century America, mind you, that 90% of all American literature from that time period is unreadable.

I'd rather read the Congressional Record from the 19th Century than the literature. The insults were better, for one thing.

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