Father's Day

Saw a bit of Jimmy Kimmel on TV tonight and he joked that fathers around the world really wanted the same thing today - some peace and quiet. That's what I got this afternoon and it was very nice. I did spend some time with Relia's gift, the Wii. She gave me a little something else today too. She left some mashed up pancake on my shirt.
Lately she's been very generous, her new thing is to hand you whatever she's playing with. It's very sweet. She also has a love of any toys that make noise. She'll bring them to you so you can activate them. Very cute, the first dozen times. Um, Hans and Heidi, we all have an agreement not to buy presents for nieces and nephews that make sound, right?
Also called my Dad tonight and wished him a happy Father's day. We're alike in many ways. I probably got my love of books from him. Probably my enthusiasm for yard work, too.
Anyway, it was a good day. But they all are, aren't they?


MamaD4 said…
Does this mean I need to send back the remote control Godzilla we got her for her birthday?

Josiah got a remote control fire truck for his last birthday. Yeah, we only bring it down for special occasions...
Peder said…
The thing about those Godzillas is that the batteries mysteriously run out almost immediately. Sometimes they've been known to jump right out of the thing and disappear. Very strange.
Kate said…
I'm the awful non-parent that gives naughty presents to the kids. Whistles, drums, harmonicas, maracas, it's all from the dollar store baby, and it's all Auntie Kate will buy. She's sadistic like that!

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