Summer is here

Since I've complained so much about the cool weather so far this year, I should note that the weather has gotten warm on us. We started up the AC this weekend for (I think) the first time this year. We've been up above 80 the last few days, thankfully cooling at night.
I might be sick in the head, but I'm ready for a nice cool drizzly day.


MamaD4 said…
You're not sick in the head. I hate heat. I hate being sweaty and greasy, ugh. Why can't it be spring or fall ALL the time? I could do without summer and winter.
DD4 said…
Yes, I agree with Rachel.

So far my the inside of my home has stayed at an even 74 degrees. I will turn on the air once it reaches 78.
Kate said…
Time to head to the beach! Teach that girl to swim!

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