Library Update

I posted last week on the book habit and how to live with it. Well, I visited two different used book stores over the weekend and added eight new books to my life. One of them is a rebuy on a book I've had for years that suffered serious water damage and should have been replaced long ago. One of them is 'Lolita' and I'm really looking forward to it. Another is 'Anna Karenina' which I've been meaning to read for awhile. Most of the others are for the slow time we get at work each summer.
The FP Gal looks at these new stacks of books and just shakes her head.


MamaD4 said…
Anna Karenina is very good. I'm about to read Dr. Zhivago.

They let you read at work? You lucky dog!

As for Sarah's head shaking, I am the same way. I mean, buy books by all means, but if you know you didn't enjoy it and will never read it again, donate it, sell it, get rid of it. Hans feels the need to keep every book he reads, and at the rate he consumes, we're going to have some serious problems with storage in a few years!

I completely understand the lure of the good used book store...why not buy a pile when they're so cheap? I had a great used book store in Newport, I miss it a lot. I even got Hans to deign to go into it once or twice.

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