Friday, June 27, 2008

You know...

...what the world really needs? You know what invention would make someone an absolute boatload of money? I'll tell you what it is. Someone should develop a universal remote that will turn the bass down in nearby cars.
A few years back there was a hullabaloo about people talking remotes to bars and turning off TVs. This would be the same type of thing. Yes, there are property rights issues, but frankly I can't picture a legislature that would pass laws against these or a jury that would convict. I'd pay $100 for one, easy.
This post is brought to you from the jerk down the street who is parked and talking to his friends while his music plays and plays and plays. May his battery run low. Very soon.


MamaD4 said...

We haven't had any problems with bass noise here since it's pretty much outlawed on base (heh, heh that's a little play on words), but we do have the problem of having to listen to every party, every argument, every child's tantrum (not that we don't have them going on) going on with the other 200 families living within 100' of us. Woo-hoo.

I used to dream about living in St. Paul. Now I'm thinking maybe I'll live in the country. FAR out in the country.

I suppose that calling the police for disturbance isn't an option?

Peder said...

I thought about calling the police but decided it was a bit of overkill. If it was a loud party, that lasted too late, that's one thing. Some idiot with his bass turned up in the car isn't quite as bad.

I Love Barbershop said...

Someone used to say "Buy stock in hearing aids"!

Meigan said...

I thought you were gonna say a time machine. I was way off.

Alfred T. Mahan said...

When I was at the good ol' Spew of Phelgm and mastadons roamed the earth, the frat boys used to serenade the campus every weekend evening with their tricked-out car stereos playing the latest artillery-bombardments-masquerading-as-music. One Saturday night, my friends and I had had enough, so we hopped into one guy's car with a CD player/changer, turned the treble waaaay up, and put in five bagpipe and classical CDs for a concert on Frat Row in springtime.