Lost Weekend
The FP Gal took Relia down to Ioway this weekend and left me the all alone in the house. Very nice, except that I didn't have a lot of good stuff planned. I'd invited some friends over on Saturday to play some boardgames and while that was fun, it didn't fill that much time. (We did try and set a regular schedule for future games. We'll see how that goes.)
What else did I do? Watched some baseball. Actually a lot of baseball. Got to see all of the White Sox - Cubs games on Friday and Saturday. Saw large parts of the Twins - Brewers game and most of a Mets - Yankees game. It reminded me that I really do miss having the baseball ticket and watching random games from other teams.
Also caught up on some Dr Who. The new series is outstanding, the most recent season especially so. In the latest episode, the Doctor met up with someone from his personal future. What a twist!
Also got some reading in. Am currently reading 'Lolita' on Meigan's recommendation. It's good, if slightly horrifying. Or possibly better known as very well written but creepy. I'll put up a full review after I'm done.
Now I'm just waiting for mother and (dear) daughter to come home. They've both been cooped up in a car for several hours. One will need to run around and the other to collapse. I'll let you decipher which one is which.
What else did I do? Watched some baseball. Actually a lot of baseball. Got to see all of the White Sox - Cubs games on Friday and Saturday. Saw large parts of the Twins - Brewers game and most of a Mets - Yankees game. It reminded me that I really do miss having the baseball ticket and watching random games from other teams.
Also caught up on some Dr Who. The new series is outstanding, the most recent season especially so. In the latest episode, the Doctor met up with someone from his personal future. What a twist!
Also got some reading in. Am currently reading 'Lolita' on Meigan's recommendation. It's good, if slightly horrifying. Or possibly better known as very well written but creepy. I'll put up a full review after I'm done.
Now I'm just waiting for mother and (dear) daughter to come home. They've both been cooped up in a car for several hours. One will need to run around and the other to collapse. I'll let you decipher which one is which.