Wii Downside

The FP Gal never sleeps anymore. She stays up all night playing Mario Kart and then spends the day in some zombie like fashion. It's a good thing her classes are all done, because her quality teaching time is over. I wonder if they'll take her here.


MamaD4 said…
I guess we'd better check this Mario Kart thing out...we still have only ever played Wii Sports, and we only play that every once and awhile. I really want the Wii Fit, and was excited to see someone carrying one out of our PX on Monday--I pushed the cart into the electronics area so fast Annika looked concerned. But it was a false alarm. The person carrying it had won the chance to buy it in a lottery system.

Rats. Usually it's Hans getting excited over electronics!
Kate said…
I'm afraid to get one. I really am.
Sarita said…
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Sarita said…
Darn, I wish they'd get a system like that here. I'm good at winning the chance to buy something via lottery :o)

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