Relia update

It was another week of learning and doing for Relia. (If you're easily bored by stories of other people's children, you should skip this post. I'll try and follow it with something more broadly interesting.)
  • She got her first real black eye this week. At daycare, not at home. There was a story about toys being thrown. We're assuming it was other children and not the kind daycare ladies. It was pretty impressive on Wednesday and you can still see it a bit.
  • Her walking is becoming faster and more confidant. While it's usually the 'zombie walk', more and more she's carrying things with her. Sometimes something in each hand and she'll stop on the trip to trade out for something else.
  • She's becoming more and more focused on certain objects. Or at least she really wants one thing over another. The 'thing' changes from time to time.
  • Over the weekend she discovered that if she talks into a plastic tub that her voice sounds very different. She's fascinated by it and it's adorable. (Ok, I'm more than thirty years older than her and I find it fascinating too.)
  • She caught Ozzie today. He was in the window sill facing away from her. She came up behind him and got a full grip on one of his back legs. Yes, he was very surprised and I was able to separate them before it came to blows. I imagine that both of them have some lessons to learn on this front.
I'd include pictures of all these things if I was a better parent but the camera is never there when I need it. Sorry!


Kate said…
Well, about the sounding different and being fascinated by it? I'm still fond of putting things up to my ear and saying, "I can hear the ocean!"

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