More Wii Love

We're totally into Wii Sports. For the uninitiated it features Tennis, Baseball, Golf, Bowling and Boxing. Each of these is fun in its own right and I can see why this set of games has made the system a hit with many unusual demographics.
The unexpected (and wonderful) part is that each sport features training rounds. These are little competitions that focus on smaller parts of the overall sport. Each sport has three different skills you can select from.
They might be the greatest set of late night, sitting around with friends games ever. Especially if adult beverages are involved. For instance, with bowling you get a chance to bowl for strength. They do this in ten rounds. Each round they add another row of pins to the back. You start at ten and then go to fifteen. 21, 28, 36, 45 and so on all the way up to 105. By the tenth round you're bowling at a virtual sea of pins. Who doesn't enjoy that?
Similar fun is part of the boxing training. The trainer throws tennis balls at you while you dodge left or right to avoid taking one in the noggin. The better you are, the faster he throws them. I love watching the FP Gal play this one as she can't help from laughing at the absurdity of it.
Throw in some booze and you have a party!


Kate said…
I need to find someone with this contraption and check it out. Totally sounds fun!
Heidi said…
I might have to go shopping...
DD4 said…
If I come to your party, I'll volunteer to be the designated driver! Deal?
Peder said…
I don't know, Mom. The monsters come out after dark around here.
DD4 said…
carrster said…
Fun! Can we come over?!?!
carrster said…
Sorry - I should've said - can WII come over?
Peder said…
Sure thing, come on over!

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