I Hate The Cubs

(Sorry, Aunt Donna.) After Friday's heartbreaking walk-off loss and yesterday's 23-2 loss, I've turned off tonight's game with the Sox down 6-0. That's enough for me. I might have to watch the 2005season DVD again. Sigh.

P.S. The FP Gal says that the Cubs are ruining her marriage.


Anonymous said…
Good morning Peder,
I do want you to know that I am a Sox fan when they are not playing the Cubs or Twins.
The Cubs don't have anything to look at and remember how good they (were) are. I do know that they have not won 14 games in a row at home for 72 years!
Love to all of you, Aunt Donna
Alfred T. Mahan said…
I chortle at your discomforture, Peder. Chortle, I say. The little pirhanas are nipping at your heels...

*diabolical laughter*
Incidentally, since when did the Royals sweep ANYBODY? What is this, the 1980's?

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