The FP Gal has blogged about setting up the toddler bed in the nursery. It's adorable and Relia has taken well to it. One thing it has changed is the bedtime routine. Before the bed was there we would sit in a glider chair with her on our lap and read to her. Now with the bed we try and coax her to lay down next to us and then read a couple of books.
This isn't always easy. Relia is starting to fight bedtime. This mean that she has to run around the room crying before she'll finally submit and climb onto the bed. Tonight was one of the fighting nights.
It was my turn with her and I simply laid on the bed with the book I'm reading and let her yell. After five minutes or so she asked to come up (even though she can do it on her own, I helped her out). She didn't want me to read one of her books out loud. Nope. She was very firm that I should keep reading mine while she lay next to me and 'read' hers.
All very cute of course. After I'd read for ten minutes or so I decided that it was time to wrap things up. I firmly set my book down and picked up 'The Going to Bed Book'. She didn't want me to read it and tried very hard to close the book so I couldn't continue. After a minute I realized that I've read the durn thing about 200 times and didn't need to see it. I let her have the book and she gripped it tightly closed. I simply kept reciting. She looked at the book and closed it even harder. I think she thought if she could somehow close it hard enough she could stop me and delay bedtime.
Then I finished and she went into the crib. After some yelling, she was out.
This isn't always easy. Relia is starting to fight bedtime. This mean that she has to run around the room crying before she'll finally submit and climb onto the bed. Tonight was one of the fighting nights.
It was my turn with her and I simply laid on the bed with the book I'm reading and let her yell. After five minutes or so she asked to come up (even though she can do it on her own, I helped her out). She didn't want me to read one of her books out loud. Nope. She was very firm that I should keep reading mine while she lay next to me and 'read' hers.
All very cute of course. After I'd read for ten minutes or so I decided that it was time to wrap things up. I firmly set my book down and picked up 'The Going to Bed Book'. She didn't want me to read it and tried very hard to close the book so I couldn't continue. After a minute I realized that I've read the durn thing about 200 times and didn't need to see it. I let her have the book and she gripped it tightly closed. I simply kept reciting. She looked at the book and closed it even harder. I think she thought if she could somehow close it hard enough she could stop me and delay bedtime.
Then I finished and she went into the crib. After some yelling, she was out.