Movie suggestions?

We just expanded our Netflix set up and we need some more movies for the queue. Any suggestions? We're looking for recent movies, old forgotten favorites, TV series on DVD or even some quirky something that you think would tickle our interest.
Go ahead, give us some help!


Meigan said…
I just watched "The Innocents" (1961) last night. It's a take on Henry James' Turn of the Screw.

Kids were sleeping & hubby/dog were fishing & I was TERRIFIED! Not in a gory way but in a chills up your spine what the heck is happening here kind of way.

Anonymous said…
The Magdalene Sisters
Rabbit-Proof Fence
Alfred T. Mahan said…
Any particular genres, Peder?
Alfred T. Mahan said…
And do you mind subtitles?
j said…
I'm a big fan of American Experience and Nova. And Desperate Housewives and Alias series. That's what's in my queue right now.
carrster said…
Check out THE VISITOR - I really enjoyed that one. Not sure if you're into docs, but I also recently watched THE KING OF KONG and found it very entertaining & interesting. And I have I think almost 300 movies in my queue and thousands in my watched/rated list - you can check them out on the friends tab on Netflix.

Oh and of course I'm obsessed by the TV show WEEDS. As everyone knows. (new season released on June 2! Whohooo!)
Meigan said…
I concur with Carrie on The Visitor!

Oh - and the girls & I watched Little Women again tonight & I sobbed through the entire thing. Just a suggestion for if you're feeling girly...

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