Random 'Star Trek' thought

After seeing a bunch of lists ranking the previous Star Trek movies, it just occurred to me that the mother and father from '7th Heaven' starred in the first and fourth Star Trek movies, respectively. I wonder if Rev Camden still has a thing for bald women?


Alfred T. Mahan said…
Um, Peder, not to nitpick or be a big Trek-dork, but I think Mom was in Whale-Trek and Dad was in Eterne-Trek.
Peder said…
Whoops, got em reversed. I thought I'd written 'father and mother'.
Alfred T. Mahan said…
Eh, no big deal. I'm *almost* tempted to go see "ST:90210" just to ask if this is the one where Luke Skywalker takes on the Klingons to the guy dressed up as Spock, just to see if I can give him a stroke.

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