(Not quite) Terrible Twos

It looks like I've been complaining about Relia quite a bit lately. She's starting to enter the terrible stages with tantrums and pushback and meltdowns in public. Some of it is lack of communication, some of it is testing limits and all that. All of it is completely normal (from what I hear).
But I don't want it to sound all awful. She is still lots of fun and cute as could be. Now that it's warm out and she can play outside she is especially fun to be with. Her interaction with the cats is a blast too.
One of the most fun things is just watching her language map be created. She uses certain phrases as kind of catch-alls for certain things. For instance, when she says "All done", that means she wants something to stop or to end or to change in some way. That means that when she's stuck in the car seat and wants to be outside, she'll keep yelling "All done!" to try and get us to change the activity.
Tonight we were sitting on the couch watching some Tivo'd 'MASH' and it was decided that it was bedtime. The FP Gal paused the TV and Relia realized what was up. She gestured frantically at the TV and kept saying, "On! On! On!" to try and get us to keep watching TV so we wouldn't put her down.
This really is fun stuff.


Kate said…
I just want to tell you that I love living vicariously through your blog.
Peder said…
Aw... Kate, right back at you.

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