Morning update
The FP Gal tried to get breakfast ready for Relia but somehow Relia saw something else that she wanted (a bottle of prepopped popcorn?) and could not be satisfied with mere waffles. Loud crying and wailing and gnashing of teeth. There would have been tearing of sackcloth if she could have figured it out.
There was also a struggle over sitting in her high chair or not. This involved much crying and yelling. And a brief discussion of Gypsies. (Pat, if you'd like to experience Her Fierceness in all her glory, we can schedule some time next Thursday.)
Finally, Relia decided that some yogurt would be ok. But only if she could operate the spoon and feed herself. You know how Yoplait containers are designed, with a rim smaller than the base of the container? Years back it caused 'skunk-killing' accusations from Peta? Well, this design has caused her little hand to be stuck a few times. But...we've gotten through it somehow.
Could be a long day...
UPDATE: The FP Gal is home and after talking with her I have no idea what Relia became fixated on this morning. It may have been popcorn related. It might best be described as 'corn seeds'. It's the stuff that is in the jar before any popping has taken place. I hope this clears up any questions you might have had on this point.
There was also a struggle over sitting in her high chair or not. This involved much crying and yelling. And a brief discussion of Gypsies. (Pat, if you'd like to experience Her Fierceness in all her glory, we can schedule some time next Thursday.)
Finally, Relia decided that some yogurt would be ok. But only if she could operate the spoon and feed herself. You know how Yoplait containers are designed, with a rim smaller than the base of the container? Years back it caused 'skunk-killing' accusations from Peta? Well, this design has caused her little hand to be stuck a few times. But...we've gotten through it somehow.
Could be a long day...
UPDATE: The FP Gal is home and after talking with her I have no idea what Relia became fixated on this morning. It may have been popcorn related. It might best be described as 'corn seeds'. It's the stuff that is in the jar before any popping has taken place. I hope this clears up any questions you might have had on this point.