Random Relia updates
No cute little anecdote here and no real story to tie things together. Just some updates on our little girl.
- She's stringing more and more words together, surprising us often. The other night she threw a minor tantrum at bedtime and then afterword asked for a 'tissue'. She then said she was 'crying'. We blame/credit daycare.
- With this wonderful warm weather we've taking Relia to the park on a daily basis. She still loves the tallest slides and uses the scariest ladders to get there. The swings have been a trial for her. She sees other kids using them and wants to join in the fun but the motion doesn't agree with her. Yesterday she was fine with just hanging there with small pushes. That's an improvement.
- For awhile, she was confusing the words 'Mommy' and 'monkey'. Also 'Daddy' and 'potty'. I don't come off well in the comparison. She's starting to get the differences (thank God).
- We think there is a growth spurt going on. When she dangles above the slide at the park, her feet now touch the ground. That wasn't true a couple of weeks ago.
- More singing and she loves it when we sing together. Thinks it's the funniest thing ever.
- Last year Jerry Girton met her and said that she really smiles with her eyes. I think that's about right. She has very expressive eyes and that adds to her charm. Of which she's got gobs.
Sorry to be snoopy!
PS: Thanks for the updates...
Den't worry overmuch about the word associations, though; Beloved Niece Urchin not only called me "geek" for about three months, but called me "Grampa" for well over a year.