Random Sunday Night Thoughts

  • I guess I've given up on the Amazing Race Updates. This season hasn't been as good as past ones. I don't really care for any of the teams this year, or more accurately, I'm rooting against most of them. Some of the tasks have been interesting but almost every episode has come down to who could find the best taxi driver. Well, knowing Mandarin has been helpful too.
  • One of the other shows that we watch, Survivor, is just now becoming good. Lots of backstabbing and scrambling around. And at least one good villain. And the scenery isn't bad either.
  • One more show? Without revealing any spoilers, let me just say that this season of 'Lost' has been outstanding. There are only twentysome episodes left of the series and each Wednesday I'm more and more excited.
  • Speaking of 'Lost', if they need a new 007 anytime soon I think they should think outside of the box and get Naveen Andrews. Or maybe he should get his own set of spy movies. In any case, he looks very natural with a gun and a mission.
  • Enough TV? Let me switch gears to movies. Am I the only self professed geek in the US who isn't excited about the new Star Trek movie? Not sure why it doesn't do anything for me. I think it's because I think 'rebooted' movie series are kind of a cop out.
I guess that's it!


MamaD4 said…
I am getting a little frustrated with Lost, although last night's 100th episode (we're a little behind) was finally one that explained a few things. I miss the old dynamic, I guess...Jack has been kind of put in the background since they came to the island. I like him better kicking ass rather than cleaning blackboards, you know?

I agree with Naveen Andrews...those episodes in season 4 when he was all cleaned up and assisinating people show that he looks equally good dirty and sweaty or groomed perfectly. I have liked him since "The English Patient".
Alfred T. Mahan said…
They're coming out with a new Star Trek movie? Oooooh....you mean "Star Trek: 90210", brought to you by Nokia and the iMac!

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