Up - 2009
I've been looking forward to this movie and, man it didn't disappoint. First some superlatives and then I'll go into a spoiler laden review. I laughed, I cried. Babysitting permitting, I'll see it again and again. Pixar is moviespeak for 'magic'. This one was even better than 'Wall-E', maybe last year's best movie. Seriously, go out and see this movie and you'll be very happy with it.
Spoilers to follow, ok? You've seen an image of a house connected to a large batch of balloons in all of the commercials. The story behind it is one of the most heartrending and touching that I've seen in a long time. Very well done.
There are very few characters, I think that the cast credits are only about ten names long. Each of the main ones are very well put together, each in their own right. Two of the main ones are old men, very unusual in this day and age. There is also a young kid who is slow but touching in his sincerity. A talking dog steals the show. 'Up' is an absolute must see for anyone who loves dogs. (Even us cat-lovers enjoyed it.)
End of spoilers. Like most Pixar movies, this one starts with a strong story and then adds good animation on top of it. This one doesn't follow any kind of predictable plot path. In fact, it's filled with unique images and situations.
It's a great, great movie.
Spoilers to follow, ok? You've seen an image of a house connected to a large batch of balloons in all of the commercials. The story behind it is one of the most heartrending and touching that I've seen in a long time. Very well done.
There are very few characters, I think that the cast credits are only about ten names long. Each of the main ones are very well put together, each in their own right. Two of the main ones are old men, very unusual in this day and age. There is also a young kid who is slow but touching in his sincerity. A talking dog steals the show. 'Up' is an absolute must see for anyone who loves dogs. (Even us cat-lovers enjoyed it.)
End of spoilers. Like most Pixar movies, this one starts with a strong story and then adds good animation on top of it. This one doesn't follow any kind of predictable plot path. In fact, it's filled with unique images and situations.
It's a great, great movie.