Thoughts from the Road

There are some people who insist on driving in the left lane even though they aren't passing anyone. Often these people will drive right at the speed limit. Sometimes they will speed up a notch if you try and pass them on the right.

These people are jerks.


Kate said…
Or the people I get over into the left lane for so they can merge, And then don't let me back over by either speeding up or slowing down.
Alfred T. Mahan said…
I am convinced this is one of the reasons the old Steve Jackson game "Car Wars" was so successful back in the '80s.
Meigan said…
My husband wanted to run for govenor of MN so he could arrest people like that.
MamaD4 said…
Or, along Kate's lines, the people who won't move over to let you merge and make you stomp on the brakes at the top of the merge lane...even when the left lane is completely free.

Or people who can't just pick a friggin' speed. It makes me crazy, especially stuck somewhere like on the interstate. He/she speeds past you and pulls into your lane, then slows down, so you're forced to pass, then they decide to speed up again and pass. Repeat ad nauseum.

People who cut in too soon after passing. My Dad always said you need to be able to see their headlights completely in your rearview mirror before pulling back in.

Wow...I'm kinda surprised Hans hasn't had about 204 things to add to this post!
Peder said…
Let me add that at least two of these people yesterday rode in the left lane for miles with fairly minimal traffic all around them. Then they abruptly crossed over to their exits. Jerks.
MommyLisa said…
I agree with all of this - especially now with my drive to St.Paul.

People who live in St. Paul should have to prove they have a license...these people are the WORST drivers in the state.

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