Beatles Music

I know there are some serious Beatles fans that read this blog. One enterprising fan listened to all 185 of their songs and ranked them worst to best. The worst song was no surprise, 'Revolution 9'.
Shortly after recording “Revolution 9”, John Lennon allegedly went around telling friends that his new song was the music of the future. Well, here we are, 40 years later, and I don’t see the pop charts filled with experimental song collages featuring recording engineers, chanting football crowds, mangled orchestras, and bizarre non-sequiturs.
The top ten:
10. Eleanor Rigby
9. Something
8. Strawberry Fields Forever
7. In My Life
6. All You Need is Love
5. Hey Jude (I personally can't stand this song)
4. Golden Slumbers/Carry that Weight/The End
3. She's Leaving Home
2. I Am the Walrus
1. A Day in the Life

The FP Gal agreed with two of these. I'm curious what you others think.


I don't consider myself to be a real, screaming Beattles fan, but I do have a couple of CD's.

I would agree with you on
Eleanor Rigby
All I Need is Love

I would add
Love Me Do
Eight Day a Week
She Loves Me
Let It Be &
The Long and Winding Road
Peder said…
Janet, those seem like pretty strong selections.
Anonymous said…
Man oh man this is hard! This is the list I came up with.

Eleanor Rigby
In My Life
I'm Only Sleeping
And I love Her
A Day in the Life
Love Me Do
Norwegian Wood
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

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