Toddler stuff

It's been a busy day here on Walton mountain.
  • For all of those recent parents that read this, how do you childproof your garbage can? She's in the scavenging stage. On Tuesday she kept bring garbage to the FP Gal as if it was a prize of some sort. We've put it in our fenced off pantry with the cat food and water but it's incredibly inconvenient.
  • Relia drew first blood today and I felt terrible about it. She opened up one of the drawers in the kitchen and fished around in there until she found the scissors. She wandered in to the living room and started crying. And blood was coming out of her lip! Not a big wound, but it was obviously one of those awful parent moments. And yes, we're fixing it.
  • It never ceases to amaze me how far she can reach. And how persistent she is when she finds a target. This morning she climbed onto my chair at the computer. Then she got my phone and called the FP Gal's cell phone. I only hope that she never randomly calls the police.
  • To keep her away from the computers, we usually pull the chairs away and tip them over. Yesterday morning she climbed up on the tipped over chair so that she could still reach the keyboard. She wants to see the kitties.
  • Relatedly, did you know that the space bar acts as a 'page down' while reading blogs? Also, a google search for '////////111111.4' doesn't bring up anything. (Until now that is.)
  • She is bound and determined to put her own shoes on. She usually doesn't get the right/left thing correct. And sometimes it's backwards. And there is often yelling and frustration. But she is determined.
  • Another question for parents: what is she going to get into next? Any hints on what we need to prepare for?
  • I don't want this to sound frustrated because we're not. Actually, we're very happy with her. Sometimes exasperated and tired, but very happy.


carrster said…
I had to put my garbage can (in the craft/playroom) ON the desk because otherwise it was just too tempting. I guess that's no help in the kitchen. Could you get one with a good lid that she can't open?

We have all these things to look forward too and are feeling ill prepared!! Keep keeping us posted on how you handle things. I'll (try) to learn from your experience!
Kate said…
Sounds like she's right on track, my friend. And she's a determined one, isn't she? That will bode well for her as a teenager!
Pat said…
Don't you find children absolutely fascinating? Your post proves that. And every age and stage never loses the surprises,joys and frustrations. I will tell you from experience that it goes fast!! Enjoy it.
Anonymous said…
Childproofing is tricky because it can actually put kids in greater danger when they're out in the "real world". I guarantee that most homes you enter haven't been childproofed. A gentle but firm (and consistent) no will do the trick. Also, make sure that there are a few areas in every room that she can freely explore. The bottom few drawers in our kitchen are dish towels and Tupperware lids and both of my kids have been so happy with that that neither has ever bothered with the cleaning supplies under the sink.
Anonymous said…
I would guess the toilet might be a logical next place to get into. Mine isn't into climbing yet. And she likes to put stuff in the garbage, but hasn't decided to take it out yet, thankfully!
Anonymous said…
Oh and Peder, stop moving and tipping over chairs. It teaches a very strange lesson about the chair's ability to be moved and nothing about the fact that computers are not toys. If she's smart enough to figure her way through your little obstacle course then she's smart enough to know that she can't touch the computer w/o mom or dad.
Meigan said…
LOL - we just started putting the garbage cans in our bathroom on the floor vs. on the back of the toilet. Our youngest is five... JOY!

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