Random Friday Night Stuff
Yeah, I know, two nights in a row! How crazy is that?
- Our office had a fundraising lunch today. Basically you could buy chili for $2 a bowl. It was very yummy and a great idea. Probably. I kept having thoughts of a certain scene from 'Blazing Saddles'.
- In other office news, a new policy has come into effect that I'm not happy with. We recap at the end of each call to make certain that we have the right flight times and dates, etc. Now they want us to say the name of the state as well as the city. My last call tonight involved flights from San Francisco, California to Honolulu, Hawaii. Then onto Maui, Hawaii and back to San Francisco, California. It's a good thing that the traveler and I weren't confused about which San Fran or Honolulu they really wanted to fly to. Yeesh!
- Driving home on Friday nights I often listen to a top ten list of movies that are 'from, about or otherwise pertaining to' some subject or theme. Tonight the list was movies involving...Minnesota! How is that for weird synchronicity? I couldn't write them down while I was driving. Three of them involved Jesse James and the top one overall was 'Fargo'.
- We've decided that one of our acquaintances needs to invite us to a wedding. Not because we love them and want to share in their happiness or anything like that. Because we want to see Relia out on the dance floor. If anyone out there is close to tying the knot, hurry up please. She won't be this young and cute forever.
- That's it!