
According to the news, if we make it until Saturday without breaking 32, we will be enjoying only the fourth January in recorded Minnesota history to not get above freezing. Not that December was much better, though we did have five days where we peeked over the edge. This eternal cold weather means that the sidewalks aren't clear and the sides of the street are incredibly jagged and uneven. We've had fifteen days so far where the low was in the minuses. That is half of the month!
I don't think the general populace is holding up well with all of this cold. We're all becoming snarly and beaten down. And dried out! All of us have sections of skin that could be used to plane wood. Our cars look like they were rubbed all over a salt mine and then parked in the surf.
Would it be out of place to suggest that the state be declared a disaster area? Funds could be provided to send us in small groups to warmer locations for vacations. Ok, before you say no, you have to admit that this isn't the worst use of the bailout money that you've heard of.
Still, in three months it will be warm again. Warm enough to dress in smaller coats and hats. Ugh, just kill me now.


Kate said…
Perfect use of bailout money! I'm with ya!
Pat said…
Aww geez--I was kind of looking forward to coming home after being away a month in Arizona until I read this. I had forgotten about the ugliness of winter until you mentioned it. Oh well--it will make the winter shorter being gone the month of January
Alfred T. Mahan said…
This beats many uses of bailout money I've seen mentioned. Corporate junkets to Aruba should go to the taxpayers who'll be stuck with the check, for example.

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