Just saying
The temperature with windchill right now is -35. It's the coldest weather we've seen in five years (per the news). Current temp in Juneau, AK? 39 degrees. Positive degrees. I won't even look at Honolulu.
Had some car trouble today. Pagoda's (my car) starter doesn't always like to play in the cold weather. At least I think that's what it is. My typical response is to wait ten minutes and then it cranks right up. On Saturday it took a half hour's wait. Same thing this morning. That shot my schedule to bits and I ended up missing work.
On the plus side, the electric blanket on the bed is working just fine. So are the flannel sheets. Hope everyone out there reading this is staying warm somehow.
Had some car trouble today. Pagoda's (my car) starter doesn't always like to play in the cold weather. At least I think that's what it is. My typical response is to wait ten minutes and then it cranks right up. On Saturday it took a half hour's wait. Same thing this morning. That shot my schedule to bits and I ended up missing work.
On the plus side, the electric blanket on the bed is working just fine. So are the flannel sheets. Hope everyone out there reading this is staying warm somehow.