Random Thursday stuff

Been awhile since I've done one of these...
  • A few notes on that 'films set in Minnesota thing'. Any complaints about movies left off of the list should be sent to the good people of Wikipedia. Heidi covered movies filmed in Minnesota here. Oddly, they missed 'Fellowship of the Rings'. I'm pretty sure that the Balrog scene was filmed at the Soudan mine.
  • Speaking of the mine, we visited it in 2004. Our choices were between the 'old mine' area and the physics section. We chose the physics. It's nearly half a mile down and they use the extreme depth to study neutrinos and other particles. Amusingly, down there they have a room designated as a tornado shelter.
  • The FP Gal will get a kick out of this. It's very possible that no one else will. (And yes, this list is horribly understocked too.)
  • Carrie recommended this series to me. It's about a group of Americans competing for a medal in role playing. I haven't had time to watch more than the trailer, but the subject is obviously ripe for attention.
  • For the record, I consider myself a boardgamer and therefore more socially acceptable than role players. We may need a ruling from Chris though.
  • That's it!


Chris said…
Boardgamers are indeed more socially accepted than role players. Many of them are able to live completely normal lives.
Alfred T. Mahan said…
Heck, you generally can't tell them from your average, everday working stiff. Roleplayers, though...*shudders*.

The Monty Python Quote Test is the roleplayer's equivalent to Judge Doom tapping out "Shave And A Haircut" in Who Framed Roger Rabbit; they can't resist it.

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