Best Picture Nominees

They've announced the 2009 Oscar noms. Up for Best Picture is:
Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
I've only seen 'Slumdog' and I thought it was great. My dad saw 'Benjamin Button' and loved it. Anyone seen any of the rest?
'Wall-E' is up for Best Animated film. Last summer many people thought that it might compete for best picture, so I think it's in good shape there. It looks like 'Gran Torino' was shut out and that's a shame because it really was an outstanding movie.


Kate said…
I have seen none of them. What is my problem?
Peder said…
Kate, that happens to a lot of people. The best picture noms have become more and more restricted to arty films. Few of these movies were even marketed to wide audiences, 'Benjamin Button' being the exception.
carrster said…
I haven't seen any either...although I would like to. But then again these days I'm a year behind on my Oscar watches. I just watched NO COUNTRY and have yet to watch THERE WILL BE BLOOD so you know, good thing I'm FILMMAKER and on the pulse...sheesh.

That sucks about Gran Torino - I was hoping Clint would get a nod.

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