Random Sunday Night Thoughts

  • We've had a good weekend of getting baby stuff. You can read the FP Gal's account over here. Of interest to me has been the car seats. Two of them, of course, for our two cars. The logistics of a baby are daunting to new time parents. I can't imagine what it must be like for my friends the Bremners with their five.
  • Do you remember what life was like before car seats? I have early memories of fighting over whose turn it was to sit in the front seat. We'd crawl all over the back seats, especially when we had the van. It says something that those actions have gone from commonplace to child abuse in one generation. A year ago, I would have condemned our over-protective society. Now? Let's just say that I've gained some perspective on keeping a child safe.
  • Speaking of babies, a new study suggests that they're already lying by the age of six months. They do this by fake crying for attention and all sorts of other tricks. Is it wrong that I hope our little tyke can beat the curve and start lying by the four month mark?
  • Sunny and dry again all weekend. At least it was just hot and not unbearable. Boy, oh boy, I wish it would rain. A good four or five days of cloudy skies and rain would be a blessing. The yard thinks so too.
  • Now that the calendar has officially turned to July it's time to admit something. I'm ready for football. In fact the Vikings preseason schedule has convinced me that our little Godot will come right on the due date. The game is on the 10th of August, leaving just enough time for labor to bring our bundle of joy on the 11th.
  • One more baby thing. It's been quite a relief to follow Holly's baby Claire over at their blog. Holly was about a week ahead of us and went early. Seeing how well Claire is doing makes us feel like an early birth wouldn't be a catastrophe. Thanks Holly!


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